Christian Life Series
The Guiding Into Truth Work of the Holy Spirit
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Jesus asked the Father to send us another Helper whom he called the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit. Jesus said it was better for us that he leave so the Spirit of Truth could come. The scripture does not record Jesus asking the Father to give us any other help comparable to the Spirit of Truth. This implies that Jesus perceived that our greatest need was for a guide into Truth.
The Guiding Into Truth Work of the Holy Spirit will seek to demonstrate:
That guiding into truth is a work of the Holy Spirit
How the Holy Spirit guides us into truth
What truth is
Why truth is important
Our need for a guide into truth
Hearing the Holy Spirit guide us into truth
Aligning our lives with truth
Effective Prayer
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YouTube: Audiobook with a few illustrations
When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, he instructed them to pray that the Father's will be done on earth. As we look through scripture we find that our prayers are an important way God uses to cause his will to be done on the earth. Effective Prayer includes material regarding the nature of faith, how we grow our faith, and how we apply it in prayer. It also includes material on applying the power of the Word of God in prayer and what happens when we pray.
Ceased From Sin: Living To Do God's Will
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In his first letter Peter declares that Jesus bore our sins in his body so that we may cease from sin and live for righteousness. He followed that by saying that some people had ceased from sin.
He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we may cease from sinning and live for righteousness. (1 Peter 2:24)
Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for corrupt human desires but for the will of God. (1 Peter 4:1-2)
Peter says that there were people who had ceased from sin. Moreover, he tells how they became people who had ceased from sin: they suffered in the flesh. He also gives us a glimpse into how such people lived: no longer controlled by corrupt desires, but by God's will.
Spiritual Warfare: Sowing
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YouTube: Audiobook
We wrestle against the spiritual forces of evil. This includes everyone: man, woman, and child. This isn't just believers. It includes people who are not believers and do not become believers.
We are at a significant disadvantage fighting a spiritual war against a spiritual enemy. We usually align our lives by what we perceive through our physical senses. Our physical senses are useless in a spiritual war.
Jesus, the Word of God, and the Spirit of Truth reveal the spiritual war to us. They tell us how the enemy fights against us and how to resist and overcome him. Their teaching is essential to help us win the spiritual war and walk the path that leads to life.
We are part of this war. Spiritual Warfare: Sowing will examine the details of God's teaching on the sowing aspect of spiritual war. These details will help us align our lives with God's sowing of his Word into our hearts. They will also help us align our lives resisting Satan's sowing of his seed into our hearts and his attacks against the Word God sows into our hearts.
The Truth About Eternal Life
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YouTube: Audiobook
The issue of eternal life – where and how we will spend eternity – is the most consequential issue we will face in life. The difference in the consequences to us, if we receive eternal life or fail to receive it, are as extreme as they could possibly be. Moreover, we will have to live with the consequences forever.
Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. (Luke 13:24)
Jesus tells us that entering into eternal life is difficult: many will seek to enter and will not be able to. The cost of failing to enter eternal life is so great that we would be beyond foolish not to seek the truth about eternal life with commensurate diligence. The Truth About Eternal Life is written to help in that search.
Go the Way You Should Go
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YouTube: Audiobook
God says that if we will train up a child in the way they should go, even when they are old they will not depart from it.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)
Many of us with children sought the blessing of that promise and raised children in the way we thought they should go.
How many of us, however, thought to seek God and teach our children to go the way he says they should go? To submit themselves daily to God and have him show them what to do and how to do it, what to be, and how to become and be it, to guide, direct, and order their steps?
Go the Way You Should Go is written for parents seeking to train up their children in the way God says they should go. It is written for those who may counsel others on the way they should go. Finally, it is written for anyone who is seeking to go the way they should go and to be the manner of person they should be.
Prepare for the End of the Age
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YouTube: Audiobook with a few illustrations
God is king, judge, and redeemer of heaven and earth.
As king, God’s primary goal is the complete and eternal reunification of his kingdom. Reunification of his kingdom will come when he has destroyed his enemies: Satan and all of the people aligned with him. In Matthew 13:24-50, Jesus says that the people aligned with Satan will be destroyed at the end of the age in which we live. The people who are righteous – who are what they are required to be and do what they are required to do – will go into the next age. The people who are unrighteous – who are not what they are required to be and do not do what they are required to do – will not go into the next age. The path they follow will end in death.
As judge, God must do what is just (Genesis 18:25; 1 Peter 2:23). Before the end of the age, God will test us and weigh our hearts to determine if we are righteous. At the end of the age God will judge and determine who may enter the thousand year age of his kingdom and who must be destroyed.
As redeemer, his goal is to save as many people as possible. Before the end of the age God will warn us that the end is approaching and call us to prepare. His tests help us prepare and work as signs to warn us that we are approaching the end of the age. These are signs we may see long before the beast, false prophet, etc. so that we can be prepared when those things happen.
Prepare for the End of the Age will share
that there will be an end of this age
how to prepare for the end of the age
what we are required to be to survive the end of the age
what we are required to do to survive the end of the age
how to become what we are required to be
how to do what we are required to do
how God will determine if we are what we are required to be
signs of the end of this age
Spiritual Growth
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YouTube: Audiobook
Spiritual growth is the change and growth of the spiritual nature of our being. It involves spiritual transformation and growth to maturity and completion.
Spiritual maturity has two key characteristics: discernment and self-control. Discernment is necessary for self-control.
When we are spiritually mature, we will no longer be infants tossed about by deception.
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. (Ephesians 4:11-14).
The mature person has their senses trained to discern both good and evil.
Solid food is for the spiritually mature, the person who by constant use has trained their senses to discern good from evil. (Hebrews 5:14).
So, spiritual growth involves the transformation to a new way of discerning and the maturation of that new way.
A spiritually mature person has self-control.
If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a spiritually mature man, able also to bridle his whole body. (James 3:2)
So, spiritual growth also involves the transformation to a new way to control ourselves and the maturation of that new way.
A spiritually mature person has all of the spiritual attributes necessary for life and godliness. Spiritual growth involves the addition and maturation of those attributes.
To grow spiritually we must do two things. We must sever our connection with the flow of corruption that sustains and strengthens our corrupt spiritual nature. We must form a continuous, eternal connection with the flow of incorruptibility that will form, sustain, and strengthen a new spiritual nature in us.
The Disciples We Should Make and How We Should Make Them
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YouTube: Audiobook with a few illustrations
Jesus taught his disciples, guided them into truth, and showed them what they should do.
When Jesus ascended to heaven, he asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit to take his place: teach his disciples, guide them into truth, and show them what they should do.
The departure of the teacher is a critical time in the life of a disciple. Who are they to follow when the teacher leaves? It is also a problem for those who make disciples. Who are the new disciples to follow?
The Holy Spirit is God's solution to the problem of Jesus leaving. Disciples are to follow the Holy Spirit and make new disciples who also follow the Holy Spirit.
This book will look at
the problems when the master departs
God’s solution to the problem of Jesus leaving
the disciples we should be
how to make the disciples we should make
The Good News
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YouTube: Audiobook
Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the Good News. Paul said that the Good News is how God saves people.
What is the Good News? Is our understanding of the Good News accurate and complete enough to produce salvation for ourselves and others?
The Good News begins when Zechariah prophesies that the promised blessing and kingdom have come. Zechariah's son, John the Baptist, continues this message.
Jesus adds to the Good News. He teaches the Good News of the Word and announces that he is the promised good shepherd. Near the close of his temporal ministry, Jesus reveals the coming of the promised new covenant and outpouring of the Spirit.
The Good News is the message that God has redeemed us, delivered us from the power of our enemies, and provided a way for us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness. It tells us how God did this and how we are to align our lives with God's deliverance and his provision for holiness and righteousness.
God's Good News declares deliverance in the present age, from destruction when God sweeps the wicked from the earth, and from eternal punishment in the future age.
Christian Prophecy Series
The Scroll and Horsemen of the Book of Revelation
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YouTube: Audiobook
God gave Jesus a revelation to show his servants things which must come to pass. In the revelation we see a scroll, written on the inside and on the outside, sealed with seven seals. As each of the first four seals are opened we see a horseman.
What is the scroll? Who, or what, are the horsemen? How will we discern what or who they are? How will we know we have discerned correctly?
Many others have attempted to identify the scroll and horsemen. This book will not attempt to refute each and every identification they have made, nor discuss every possible identification. The approach is to show that the evidence fits a single scroll and a single set of horsemen. If this approach is successful, then it will effectively rule out all other scrolls and horsemen. This book will not attempt to discuss the first horseman's bow and the green color of the fourth horseman as there is too little information available to discern them.
The scroll will be identified first using the evidence regarding the scroll. Then each horseman will be identified using the evidence regarding each horseman. The question about discerning correctly will be answered by showing how the horsemen fit together, the horsemen fit the scroll, and how the scroll and horsemen fit the book of Revelation and show us things to come.
Other books
Spirit-guided Exegesis
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MP3 files: Download
YouTube: Audiobook
Why is Spirit-guided Exegesis helpful?
Because the Holy Spirit guides us into the truth in exegesis in the same way he guides us into all truth, Spirit-guided Exegesis is helpful to those who seek to learn more about how the Holy Spirit guides us into truth and what we must do to be guided. The discussion and example in this book are a valuable addition to The Guiding Into Truth Work of the Holy Spirit.
Spirit-guided Exegesis shares how the Holy Spirit guides us into truth and our role being guided in the context of exegesis. Because of this, this book is also helpful to those who seek the Holy Spirit’s help in the process of exegesis.
Spirit-guided Exegesis will contribute answers to the following questions posed by Dr. John W. Wyckoff in his book Pneuma and Logos:
What, if any, is the relationship of the Holy Spirit to biblical hermeneutics?
If the Holy Spirit is involved, what is the nature and content of knowledge gained as a result of this involvement?
Who qualifies as a Spirit-guided interpreter: with whom does the Holy Spirit work in the process?
How does the Holy Spirit work with the interpreter; what is the nature of the Spirit’s role in relationship to that of the human interpreter?
What is the human role in interpretation when the Holy Spirit is involved?