For Awareness of Need
I have been praying about unity. Believers seem to be choked with complacency, self-righteousness (measuring their effort as sufficient), and indifference. In teaching about unity in 1 Corinthians 12:21 Paul wrote:
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”
It seems that at least part of the issue of unity (as well as complacency, self-righteousness, and indifference) is a lack of awareness of need. The following prayer seeks to address these issues by gaining awareness of need. If each of us were to add this to our daily prayer, I believe that the results of our united prayer will be beyond what we can imagine.
Father, in the name of Jesus I ask you to
Instruct me in putting off complacency, self-righteousness, and indifference.
Fill me with an awareness of my need for you, for your armor, for your word working and bearing fruit in my life, and for your Spirit guiding me and ordering my steps.
Fill me with an awareness of my need to please you, to put on your armor, to sow your word into my heart and guard it, and to ask your Spirit to guide me and order my steps.
Fill me with an awareness of my need for other believers: for my need for the fruit of your word and Spirit in their lives and for their need for the fruit of your word and Spirit in my life.
Fill me with an awareness of your need for all believers to work in unity sharing the fruit of your word and being led by your Spirit.
Fill me with an awareness of my need for holiness and righteousness: for being free from the tares that choke your word and grieve your Spirit.
Fill me with an awareness of my need for your kingdom to be come and your will to be done in the earth.
Fill me with an awareness of how I may help meet the needs of others.
Fill me with an awareness of my need to pray and to work to perfect prayer.
Fill me with the desire to be aware of needs and to be prepared and equipped to meet those needs.